Sleep Token unmasked: Identity of singer VESSEL revealed (2025)

After a lot of investigative work and deep digging, we have finally discovered the identity of what could potentially be one of the greatest singers in modern history; Vessel from Sleep Token. If you don’t want his identity to be spoiled, click on the article below!

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This isn’t the first time we’ve uncovered the identity of a mysterious band. This time last year we were the first to discover the identity of the power-house vocalist in the horror-themed electro-industrial group SKYND. Well, we don’t actually know the genre of SKYND because they are so unique, not many do.

Now we know who the frontman of the London based progress band Sleep Token that is dominating Spotify in the post-lockdown era.

No, it is not Dan Smith from Bastille.

Many people wondered whether Sleep Token’s singer could be the singer from Bastille, Dan Smith. He has a similar range and vocal tone, and they are both and they are both from London, United Kingdom. But it doesn’t make sense that a millionaire musician would go and do the grind at small venues for little cash and reward.

Although it is undeniable that they sound the same, Dan Smith is not Vessel from Sleep Token. We’d argue that the singer from Sleep Token is a better vocalist than he, especially after what we’ve discovered.

So, are you ready to find out who the singer known as Vessel from Sleep Token is? His name is Jordan Hunt and he’s one of the best artists we’ve ever stumbled across. Actually, it’s not Jordan Hunt. We made a huge mistake!

Sorry. It’s not Jordan Hunt!

At first we believed Jordan Huntwas Vessel. He is a little known composer, vocalist and multi-instrumentalist from London, UK. Not many people know him. He only has 539 followers on YouTube and 571 followers on Twitter, which — quite honestly — is a sin.

Sleep Token unmasked: Identity of singer VESSEL revealed (1)

Jordan Hunt has some extremely well produced music on his channel, better than most top tier artists on Spotify. His music videos, which he produces himself I might add, are incredibly well shot and accompanied with his voice and music they are incredibly moving.

After watching a video of him performing his original “The Sea” at St George’s Church, Bloomsbury, London, in 2014 I was so convinced that it was him. I’m not the only one, either. His YouTube page is filled with comments saying “WORSHIP” which is a phrase commonly used by the band. But nope, Jordan Hunt is not Vessel from the progressive rock trio now known as Sleep Token.

Someone reached out to us with the real identity of Vessel (thank you!) and after looking into it a bit, I now believe that Leo Faulkner from Blacklit Canopy is actually Vessel from Sleep Token.

Leo Faulkner is Vessel from Sleep Token

We never, ever would have known about this if it wasn’t for someone who knows the London music scene like the back of their his band. Before Sleep Token the singer was in a little known band called Blacklit Canopy.

Sleep Token unmasked: Identity of singer VESSEL revealed (2)

Their LAST.FM bio reads: “Blacklit Canopy was a duo formed from the members Leo Faulkner and Gemma Matthews. They were known for creating music which was ambient, melodic and moving, using largely minimalistic instrumentation and production. Blacklit Canopy originated from Bristol, UK and had minor successes previously releasing on the BIMM album in 2013.

“Members were known for their moderate early success with their personal YouTube channels, and are known now for other projects…”

Other projects, hmm? Is one of those other projects Sleep Token? It sure as heck is. Listen to Blacklit Canopy.

Sadly there isn’t too much information out there on Leo Faulkner or his former group Blacklit Canopy. Perhaps Leo Faulkner and Gemma Matthews were dating and the band broke up when the relationship ended. Maybe they are still together. Maybe they never dated.

Maybe the girl in the Sleep Token videos is Gemma Matthews? Just with fake piercings and a wig?

Sleep Token unmasked: Identity of singer VESSEL revealed (3)

Is this Gemma Matthews? It doesn’t really look like her, but then again this whole band is about hiding their identities. I do know that this is not some random girl, too. She appears in almost every Sleep Token music video: The Way That You Were, Jaws, and even Calcutta. It’s clear that she means something to someone.

Suffice to say Blacklit Canopy were a very talented group, but after listening to Sleep Token, you could definitely tell they hadn’t reached their full potential — there final form, if you will

Sleep Token unmasked: Identity of singer VESSEL revealed (4)

Not convinced? Well, you should be. Our source has confirmed that Leo Faulkner is Vessel from Sleep Token. Some believe that Vessel is a person of colour because of his incredibly soulful voice and, well, because he covers his entire body in charcoal body paint. No, that’s not a blackface… the entire band is just trying hide their entire identity by covering any identifiable marks so that people like me can’t figure it out. And it worked.

If it wasn’t for that email today I would still believe that Vessel was Jordan Hunt. But after comparing his voice, it is clear that there are distinct difference in tones and sharpness between the two, and Faulkner matches the bio more than Hunt.

Sleep Token unmasked: Identity of singer VESSEL revealed (5)

Still, I highly recommend checking out Jordan Hunt. His music does have that cinematic larger-than-life feel to it, and he has a beautiful voice. If you like Vessel’s singing, you will like Hunt.

So, there you have it. You can believe me or choose not to. I believe I’ve shown you enough evidence that Vessel from Sleep Token is REALLY Leo Faulkner from Blacklit Canopy. The rest is up to you.

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Sleep Token unmasked: Identity of singer VESSEL revealed (2025)


Who is the vessel in the Sleep Token? ›

Sleep Token's music, characterized by its haunting vocals and unique blend of genres, has left many fans intrigued by the mysterious frontman known as Vessel. Recently, it has come to light that Vessel is Leo George Faulkner, born on December 22, 1993.

Did someone leak Sleep Token's identity? ›

Someone has leaked sleep tokens identities, and we need to talk about it. Their anonymity is a big part of the lore. and a big part of the mystery behind the band, I guess. Over the weekend, their birth certificates and addresses were also leaked.

Who is the Sleep Token singer unmasked? ›

Who is Leo Faulkner from Sleep Token?
  • Leo Faulkner is the lead singer of the band Sleep Token, also known as Vessel. ...
  • Leo Faulkner is a music teacher on, known for doing covers of songs by bands such as Periphery, Animals as Leaders, Karelia.

Who is the Sleep Token singer? ›

The lead singer and primary songwriter of the band is known by the moniker "Vessel". Vessel and II are the only members of the band who have been credited as performers on Sleep Token's studio albums. II is also the only member apart from Vessel who has been given songwriting credits.

Is the Sleep Token still anonymous? ›

Until now, the identities of all four members of the band Sleep Token have been a well-kept secret. They wear masks at every performance and during every photo or video shoot. In a recent interview with Drumeo, even II's voice was edited so that his identity cannot be recognized through it.

Who is II from Sleep Token? ›

II is the drummer of UK-based rock/alt-metal band, Sleep Token.

Was Sleep Token actually doxxed? ›

Well, according to Loudwire, some unidentified individual found the birth certificate of the band's bassist — known only as III — and posted it online for the world to see. Impericon even claims this unknown netizen found his Twitch account as well. III, too, deleted his Instagram page.

Why did Sleep Token wipe their Instagram? ›

Another theory behind the band wiping their Instagram is because someone apparently found and shared the birth certificate of one of the members, known as III, online.

What info did Sleep Token leak? ›

what to Sleep Token? If you've been on social media in the last few days, then you've probably seen at least one person mention Sleep Token. There's been a lot going on — apparently, a fan leaked the birth certificate of one of the band members, III, online, as well as their address and other personal information.

Why does Sleep Token hide their identity? ›

“The aim with Sleep Token is to provide something people can engage with and relate to without being obstructed by the identity of its creator. Our aesthetic is there to fill the void left by that absence.” There's also a hefty dose of baked-in lore to sort through, should you so desire.

Is Sleep Token one person? ›

Sleep Token is a band with some serious lore. Vessel, alongside II, III, and IV, present themselves as servants of Sleep, an ancient deity whose message they spread throughout their otherworldly imagery, merch, fantasy-rich music videos, and cryptic lyricism.

Why is the Sleep Token so controversial? ›

The Backlash Begins

Sleep Token showed off their guitars — classic type, by one of the best guys who make them, Jackson's Custom Shop. This only made the comments get worse and even worse when they premiered their new masks. Some comments said things like 'Sleep Token is overrated' or 'their music is bland… basic.

Why does Sleep Token wear masks? ›

Through the masks, the band members are able to create a sense of mystery, allowing the focus to be solely on the music and the emotions it evokes. The masks also serve as a way for the band members to dissociate their personal identities from their musical personas.

Who does Sleep Token worship? ›

With this interview we gain valuable insight into Sleep Token's anonymity and story. In this article we learn the band worships a deity by the name of Sleep, who is essentially omnipotent, everywhere at all times. Vessel discovered Sleep in a dream being promised magnificence in return for Vessel becoming a follower.

Is Sleep Token James Arthur? ›

While no one knows who Sleep Token's members are, some fans have begun to suggest James Arthur is the group's frontman: The macabre maestro known only as Vessel. Speaking exclusively to, Arthur recently opened up on being called out for being Vessel behind the scenes.

What God does sleep token worship? ›

General understanding is that this deity promises Vessel some sort of power/salvation/release from pain from his personal experiences in order for submission/servitude/spreading of influence/etc.So as a band, they are joined by their "Worship" of Sleep, and use their music as a means to spread "His message".

What is Sleep Token origin story? ›

Sleep Token formed in 2016, and the legend goes that Vessel was visited by an ancient deity known as Sleep, who promised him “glory and magnificence” in return for his loyalty.


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.