- 3.1 Episode 1: Escape from Wolfenstein
- 3.1.1 Level 1
- 3.1.2 Level 2
- 3.1.3 Level 3
- 3.1.4 Level 4
- 3.1.5 Level 5
- 3.1.6 Level 6
- 3.1.7 Level 7
- 3.1.8 Level 8
- 3.1.9 Hans Grosse
- 3.1.10 Secret Level
- 3.2 Episode 2: Operation: Eisenfaust
- 3.2.1 Level 1
- 3.2.2 Level 2
- 3.2.3 Level 3
- 3.2.4 Level 4
- 3.2.5 Level 5
- 3.2.6 Level 6
- 3.2.7 Level 7
- 3.2.8 Level 8
- 3.2.9 Dr. Schabbs
- 3.2.10 Secret Level
- 3.3 Episode 3: Die, Fuhrer, DIE!
- 3.3.1 Level 1
- 3.3.2 Level 2
- 3.3.3 Level 3
- 3.3.4 Level 4
- 3.3.5 Level 5
- 3.3.6 Level 6
- 3.3.7 Level 7
- 3.3.8 Level 8
- 3.3.9 Adolph Hitler
- 3.3.10 Pac-Man Secret Level
- 3.4 Episode 4: A Dark Secret
- 3.4.1 Level 1
- 3.4.2 Level 2
- 3.4.3 Level 3
- 3.4.4 Level 4
- 3.4.5 Level 5
- 3.4.6 Level 6
- 3.4.7 Level 7
- 3.4.8 Level 8
- 3.4.9 Otto Giftmatcher
- 3.4.10 Secret Level
- 3.5 Episode 5: Trail of the Madman
- 3.5.1 Level 1
- 3.5.2 Level 2
- 3.5.3 Level 3
- 3.5.4 Level 4
- 3.5.5 Level 5
- 3.5.6 Level 6
- 3.5.7 Level 7
- 3.5.8 Level 8
- 3.5.9 Gretel Grosse
- 3.5.10 Secret Level
- 3.6 Episode 6: Confrontation
- 3.6.1 Level 1
- 3.6.2 Level 2
- 3.6.3 Level 3
- 3.6.4 Level 4
- 3.6.5 Level 5
- 3.6.6 Level 6
- 3.6.7 Level 7
- 3.6.8 Level 8
- 3.6.9 General Fettgesicht
- 3.6.10 Secret Level
Ok, you've learned a lot about how to play Wolfenstein, what you'll encounter, the cheats (ugh...) and just about everything else. Now, you're ready to play this bad-boy!
Well, for starters, run Wolf. Select the New Game option from the menu, (see section 2.2.1) and select your desired episode (see section Again, I recommend playing Wolfenstein from episodes 1-6 in that order. They each get tougher and tougher! Once you've selected your episode, you'll be taken to the screen where you can select your difficulty (see section All of these strategies will be from the difficulty "Bring 'em On". The maps also show enemies for Death Incarnate, though.
Also remember, each map and strategy shows a very direct way to beat each level. You don't have to go the way I say at all. If you're low on health, ammo, just want to wonder around or are competing for ratios and score, (see section 2.8.3) go ahead and explore each level.
There are also level "Hot Spots" throughout the walkthrough, that show a point of interest/action in the level. They are labeled on the maps as large H's with a number next to them. Use the number to identify the hot spot.
Also, here is a little glossary of level architecture terms I use in the walkthroughs, so you don't get confused:
- Room - Umm...a room.
- Corridor - A thin, small hallway that is usually windy.
- Hallway - A room that is long and stretched, used to connect two or more rooms together; to act as a connection.
Finally, for a map legend, head over to the appendix. If the maps get confusing, don't worry. Just try to read them as best as you can. I can barley read them, either.
AND! (Man, I have a lot of stuff to talk about here.) There are some levels where there is a question where the level designer's name has a question mark by it. This is because I am not totally 100% sure who made it. If you know, feel free to tell me.
3.1 Episode 1: Escape from Wolfenstein
You stand over the guard's body, grabbing franticly for his gun. You're not sure if the other guards heard his muffled scream. Deep in the belly of a Nazi dungeon, you've only a knife, a gun, and your wits to aid your escape.
Just a few weeks ago, you were on a reconnaissance mission of extreme importance. You were to infiltrate the Nazi fortress, and find the plans for Operation Eisenfaust. Captured in your attempt, you were taken to their prison, and awaited your execution. Only you know where the plans are kept, and the Allies will face a great defeat if you don't escape! You must face the horrors of the prison keep known as Wolfenstein.
So starts the first of your adventures in this great game, with Episode 1: Escape from Wolfenstein. As the story above says, you're trapped inside this mammoth dungeon, and you have to shoot your way out. In this section, I'll tell you how to beat every level the right way for Episode 1 (Ep1 for short).
Record time for this episode is 5:20, set by John Romero on the Bring 'em On Difficulty.
Note, no silver key is required in Episode 1 to beat any of the levels!
3.1.1 Level 1
Ok. Here it is. Your starter level. The beginning.

Notice the hot-spots. The red line is the direction you should go. If this all looks a little confusing, go to the appendix for a map legend.
- H1 - Don't forget to kill the guard here and grab the ammo. You'll need it, since you've only got 8 bullets to start with.
- H2 - The secret room here is very helpful, with some ammo, first aid kits, and the Machine Gun!
- H3 - You can also access the Episode's secret floor from here (see section 3.1.10). Just open the secret rooms, and Voila!
Ok, you start in a cell with a dead guard lying there in front of you. First, walk forward and open the door to leave you cell. Easy, huh? There are a few more cells there in a hallway beside you, but turn right for now. A guard will be standing there, so kill him. Collect the ammo behind him. You'll need it, since you only have 8 bullets. Also collect his ammo. Grab the dinner if necessary, and go back to the cell hallway, and through the door in front of you. There should be another hallway here, so go down it and open the door.
Now you'll be in a large room, with a guard or two waiting for you there. Blow them away and go into the wooden-walled area. Inside is another hallway with two small one branching off from it. Kill the guard, and turn down the left mini-hallway. A guard should be there, so shoot him. But, don't walk away. Walk up to the Hitler portrait, and push it. It should open a secret room, with a very helpful weapon, the Machine Gun. Use it often. Now, exit the secret room, and go back out of the room here the opposite way you came.
Here, you'll enter another room, with some guards. Kill them, and you have an option between the left or right doors. Head left for the rest of the level, head right for some treasure and points.
Heading left, you enter a small hallway. Continue down it, killing the guards and going through the door. In the next room you'll see a couple of guards, and also some treasure. Pick it up for extra points, and head out. You'll see a small hallway. Continue through that and you'll come to a large, square room with two doors. Head straight and you'll go to Quite a large hallway, that may have a number of guards around. Kill the guards you see, but turn left at the hallway. Enter the door, and there's the exit!
However, you can also access the secret level. When you first enter the room, turn 90 degrees right, and press the wall right in front of you. When you just enter the secret room, also do the same. You'll be taken to the room with the secret elevator. Check the map for more help. All walls with white squares around them are pushable.
3.1.2 Level 2
This standard-affairs level has nothing majorly special. Just some first-appearances by keys and the Chaingun!

- H1 - In this secret lies the treasured Chaingun! A powerful weapon indeed...
- H2 - This level requires a key to exit, so remember to get it!
You enter this level in a small hallway with a door in front of you, and to your left. Skip the left, and go forward. In the room, a guard should be there waiting for you, so blow him away. Turn a corner and go through the door. You'll new enter a large hallway. Keep running straight to the door at the end of the hallway, and enter.
You'll be in another hallway, with some guards. Turn left, and enter the door in the blue-brick section. Here is a small hallway, with two others on the sides. Down the left one is a guard with some ammo. Collect it, but don't leave yet. the second brick in that little passageway is a secret! Push it, and reveal the prized Chaingun! You'll grin with delight! This gun comes in very handy later.
Exit the secret room, and leave the main room, opposite the way you came. You'll be set in a hallway with two directions to go, so head left. You'll enter another hallway. Keep going forward, but once you open the door, don't move. This room is quite large, and has a lot of enemies in it. If you haven't been wondering throughout the level, its also has the first appearance of the SS enemy. Always stay away from close-rage fire with these guys, they'll wipe you out easy. This is where the Chaingun comes in handy. Mow down all the enemies you see. It shouldn't take too long :-).
Turn right, past the hallway to your left, and you should see a door. Open it, and reveal an SS and Guard that are both guarding the Gold Key! Grab the key, and head back out. Remember, guards may still sneak up on you, so be prepared. In the big room, go forward, and turn the corner to your left. Go down the hall. You'll see a little room-extension there to your left, with guards there, so shoot them. Also, collect the treasure. Go back to the main hall, and enter the locked door. Some guards will be there, and the level exit.
3.1.3 Level 3
Another standard level, with nothing major.

- H1 - Remember to grab the key here to exit the level.
You start in a room that has two small hallway on the side. Turn the corner, and head left, through the door. This time, head right, into the prison area of the level. You'll see a few guards in the room, so kill them. Open the third door on the left in the room, and you'll find some stuff to collect, including the Gold Key. Grab the key and leave the prison area.
Heading left down the hall, enter the first door to you left. You'll be in another large hallway. Kill the guards, and go all the way down to the end of it. Take the last door on your left. Inside is a room with some guards, so kill them, and enter the door to your left. You'll be in ANOTHER hallway. Take the door in front of you to your left. You'll see a guard and the locked door in this room. Enter the locked door, and take a right around the corner. There may be a few guards in here, and some may sneak up on you, so be careful. You should be able to find the elevator from here.
3.1.4 Level 4
This has to be my favorite level in Ep1, and I don't know why. There are a lot of guards that can sneak up on you here, so be careful. The Chaingun makes its first appearance not in a secret here, so be sure and get it if you don't already have it.

- H1 - The key lies here, in a nicely guarded room. The SS in here may come after you, so be careful.
- H2 - The Chaingun makes its first non-secret appearance here, so be sure to pick up. Its guarded by SS though, so be careful.
Alright. This level is tough, and there are plenty of guards in your way. So, watch your ass and be alert. I'm gonna take you through it step-by-step, and you'll have to find out where most of the guards are on your own.
You'll start in a small room. Exit the room, and turn the corner to the right. You'll see some guards and another door. Go through the door and you'll be in a large "intersection" room. Keep going straight and head through the door. You'll be in another intersecting hallway room. Turn left, and through the door down the hall. Inside is a room with a number of guards, and the gold key. Grab the key and leave the room.
Head straight down the hallway and into the door. Inside is a big room. Now's where the guards really start to come, so be ready. Keep going straight and into the first door on your right (a blue-brick area). Some SS are in this room, so be careful Here's you'll find the Chaingun! Remember to grab it, and head back out of the room.
Inside the large room, head caddy-corner to the right, to a gray brick area. See the map for more. Inside should be a strangely-shaped wood wall island (shaped like a swastika from the top). In this room, look around for another door that doesn't lead to the big room.
In here is a big hallway. Turn left, and go through the door. Inside this room is a bunch of treasure, and some guards. Kill the guards and head into the next door. You'll be taken to another large room. Go to the end of it, and go through the door. In here is your last room, but run directly straight, behind the island in the room. Go around it, and you should see the elevator.
3.1.5 Level 5
Another standard level. Nothing special.

- H1 - Don't forget to pick up the key here.
You'll start in a small room. Go through the door ahead of you. Here will be a room with a large red-brick island in the middle of it. In here are some guards, so be careful. Head right, and into the wood-wall area. In this room, head right, through the door. You'll be in a small room. Head through the door you see, and into another small room. Head through that door, and into another small room. Go down the hall, and to the right, going forward through the door on the right. Inside this room is the key, and a few guards.
Once you grab the key, head all the way back to the blue-brick room with the red-brick island in the middle. In this room, head around the island, through door opposite of the wood wall area. In here, head down the hall, and turn left. Head through that door, and go around the oil berrels. Head through the door, and turn right, heading to the door in front of you down the hall.
In this room, head through the door, and into another room with a number of guards and the locked door. Open the locked door, and you'll be in a room with a few wood wall islands in the middle of it, and the elevator. Be careful in this room. There are a number of guards, and they can hide well behind the islands. Be sure to kill ALL of them, or you might be dead, fast. Finally, head to the elevator.
3.1.6 Level 6
This level is rather long, so get ready. You'll mostly be in red-brick areas.

- H1 - The key to exit the level lies here.
Alright. You'll start out in a room with a wood-wall island in the middle. There are a few guards patrolling around it, so be sure to kill them. When you go through the door, you'll be in a very long room, that we'll dub the I room. Because, from above, it looks slightly like the letter "I". Remember this room, because you'll need to get back here later. Ok, when you first enter the I room, turn right and head down the hall and into the door.
Inside this door you'll see another hall. Turn right, and head down it. Keep walking down this hall, and to the second to last door. You should be in another small room, with a door at the end of it. Go through the door, to enter yet another hallway. Head straight down it, and around the corner to the left. You should see a door. Enter the door, and turn right around the corner. Head all the way down this hall, and into the wood-walled area.
Inside the wood-walled area are a number of dogs, and at the end of the room is the Gold Key. Grab the key. Now, remember the I room? Head all the way back to it now.
Ok, once you get to the I room, head directly forward to the other side of the room, and into the door that's offset in a small corridor. In this room, head all the way around to the right, and enter the door. There is the elevator.
3.1.7 Level 7
This level is one I always thought would make a good deathmatch level if a multiplayer Wolfenstein ever existed. Why? Who knows.

- H1 - Remember to pick up the Gold Key here.
Ok, from your starting position, turn directly 90 degrees left, and around the island you are right next to. You should see a opening to a hallway here. Go in it, and you'll see a locked and unlocked door at opposite ends of the hall. Head down the locked door, and through this hallway. Inside that door, you'll see another hallway jetting out right. Head down it, and through the door.
Inside this room, head right, and around the corner. Head into the gray-brick room, and inside collect the key. Now, from here, head all the way back to the hall in your starting room that had a door on both ends of it. Enter the locked door here, and turn the corner in this hallway. Head down the hall, and into the gray-brick area. There you'll see the elevator.
3.1.8 Level 8
The last level before you try and escape Castle Wolfenstein.

- H1 - Don't forget to pick up the Gold Key here.
In your starting room, head directly forward through the door. Inside here, don't move at all. Fire your weapon. You should see a guard alert in the island behind you. Kill it, and turn the corner to the right. You should see a guard in front of you. Kill it, and turn around and kill the guard behind you.
Ok, head out the door on the right side. In this room, head down the hall and around to the door at the end of the hall. Go in this door, and inside you should see a wood wall area. Head into the first wood wall area door you see. Inside this room you should see the key, along with an SS or two. Grab the key, and head back out of the room. turn right, and through the door on the wall next to where you came in.
Head through this small door, into the next room, through that door, into the next room, and through that door. Inside is a hallway. Head through the door with the two gold swastika on it. Head through the door in that room, and through the door in the next room. Here, head into the door on the right. Head to the end of this hall, through the locked door, and into the elevator.
3.1.9 Hans Grosse
Here it is. The level with your big showdown with Hans Grosse, the head of Castle Wolfenstein. Use all the stops you can on him.

- H1 - Hans Grosse. The big man himself. The blue-armored S.O.B. behind Castle Wolfenstein. Wipe him out, just like you did her sister, Gretel.
- H2 - The Secret. All boss levels have at least one of them. Your lifeline. The thing you can go back to to get health and ammo.
- H3 - FREEDOM! You're outta the hell of Castle Wolfenstein, and back into the Allied Underground!
Ok, this level is short and sweet, but still tough. You start out in a small room. Go through the door ahead of you, and into the large hall. This is where you'll be fighting Hans. Run past everything to the end of the room, and open the door. There he is, Hans Grosse!
Once you alert him, run back into the big hall. On one of the walls, there is a sash/banner spaced sparingly. On the middle golden banner on one of the walls is a secret. Push it in, and you'll enter a large secret room. This room is VERY important. It contains large amounts of health, ammo, and a Chaingun. If you die, be sure to come back here to replenish on ammo and the Chaingun before attacking Grosse. If you're all juiced up, get ready to fight!
Ok, you're ready to take on Hans. Notice the large hall that is your battlefield. There are quite a few islands in the room, that can be used for your advantage. Hide behind them to protect yourself from fire. One strategy is to hide, shoot, then hide again. Repeat as necessary. Eventually, this works. Another one that has said to work was to run right up next to Grosse, and then slowly back directly away, keeping your aim on Grosse, and firing the entire time. Remember your strafing technique can also be useful. Always move, all the time. It makes any boss/enemy harder to hit you.
Once Hans is dead, grab the Gold Key he drops, and head back to the room he came from. You'll notice a locked door there. Open it, and run to freedom! YEAH!
3.1.10 Secret Level
This level is kinda long, so be ready. You're mainly going to be fighting in the gross purple slime areas. Remember this is a secret level, so you don't have to get out in a hurry. Explore around and find secrets, they give for more points.

- H1 - Grab the Gold Key here
From you starting room, head down the hall, and to the left. Head around the corner to the left, down the hall, turning right, and through the door. NOTE THIS ROOM. From here, turn left around the corner, and into the door on that wall. In here, head down the hall, around the corner to the right, and enter the first door you see. In here, head forward and turn the corner left. Enter the blue-brick area.
Head to the end of the blue-brick area, and through the door at the end of the hall. Turn right around the corner in this room, and left around that corner. Head down the hall through the door. Turn right around the corner, and you should see the Gold Key at the end of the hall. Grab it. Now, remember the room I told you to note? Head all the back to it.
Now, when you enter the room, head straight forward, and turn right through the door. In here, head right around the corner. Head down the hall, and to the split in the path. Don't head to the path that has the wood walled area down it. Head the other way, to the left. Go through the door at here, and head all the way down this hall to the gray-brick area.
Head to the end of the gray-brick area, and into another hallway. Head down it, and turn right around the corner, and into the red-brick area. In here, head into the locked doors. This room will have two elevator doors. When you first enter the room, go to the door on the left. The door on the right is full of SS.
3.2 Episode 2: Operation: Eisenfaust
You run out of the castle and hook up with the Underground. They inform you that the rumors were true: some hideous human experiments were seen around Castle Hollehammer. So Operation Eisenfaust is real!
You must journey there and terminate the maniacal Dr. Schabbs before his army marches against humanity!
That would be the basic intro to Episode 2: Operation: Eisenfaust. A little more in-depth, Dr. Schabbs created a mutant army made out of undead soldiers. He took the dead soldiers, and resurrected them into new, brainless zombies. These new mutants are ultra strong, and are virtually limitless to create. If this operation goes through, the world could be in danger. Kill Schabbs and the mutants, or be killed.
In this episode, you, of course, face the mutants in battle. This is also the only episode where they appear.
3.2.1 Level 1
This is the first level where you have to face the deadly mutants. From here on out, BE ON GUARD ALL THE TIME. Those things are DEADLY. I'm talking LETHAL DEADLY. I mean KILL YOU FASTER THEN YOU CAN SAY "What was that?" DEADLY.

- H1 - This room is vital to your winning. Its got some supplies, and a Machine Gun.
- H2 - You can find the secret exit here.
Alright, if I haven't told you already, mutants infest this level, so be VERY alert. Mutants can kill quick. Ok, from your starting room, head directly forward through the door. In this room, head around the red-brick island and through the door in front of you. This room contains some VERY lifesaving supplies. Grab the Machine Gun and all ammo. Head out of the room.
Back in the big room, head right from the supply room. The room splits up into three other ways now. From here, you can head left and go to the secret level, or head right and beat this level. Heading right, go around the small island, turn right and then forward at the crossing, around the island, down the twisty hall, around the corner, and into the room. Beware of the mutants here. If you've got the pistol, run. If you've got the Machine Gun, you're okay. Then, head into the elevator.
If you headed left at the split, you'd go into a room with two doors. Beware the mutants.from here, go to the back of the room, on the right wall. Push the wall up and down until you find a secret. There, you'll be in a room with some first aid and ammo. The secret here is kinds hard to explain, so keep pushing all the walls or look at the map until you've found it. From there, just enter the elevator.
3.2.2 Level 2
This level goes back to reality, and away from the mutants more. Nothing special.

- H1 - The Gold Key lies here.
From your starting room, head forward. Go around the small steel island, and through the door down the corridor into the wood wall area. Now, here you have to push a secret wall to beat the rest of the level. This level is one of few that requires you to push a secret wall to continue. Anyway, push the wall that has the cross on it. From this room, enter the red-brick area.
In here, head through the door straight in front of you. In this room, turn right, and you'll see two doors. Go to the one of the left. Head through the door in this room, turn all the way around the corner to the right and enter that door, then pick up the Gold Key. Now, head back to the wood-wall area.
When you first re-enter, head through the door on your left. Head through the door in front of you in the room, and you'll enter a blue-brick area, with three different ways to go. Go the way directly ahead of you. In this small room you'll see three doors. Each one leads to the same room, so you can go through any. Beware, though. SS are waiting on the other side. When you get out of there, and head down the hall, the hall will branch off two ways. Go the right way, for now. Head down this hall, and then to a small corridor. Go down this corridor, turning left, and to a wood wall area with a locked door. You can enter the door, or there is a secret nearby with a first aid kit, and a Chaingun you can find.
Go through the locked door, and into the elevator.
3.2.3 Level 3
This level takes you back into the blowles of Schabbs' castle for a little bit. Here is the first appearance of the Silver Key. Get used to finding two keys from now on, like it or not.

- H1 - The Gold Key is in this closet.
- H2 - The first Sliver Key in the game is protected by mutants...be careful
You start in the middle of a long hallway going two directions. Turn right, and head down the hall. Be careful, an SS may sneak up on you from behind. Turn left around the corner, down the hall, left, and through the door. In here is a room with three different doors to chose from. Turn left and into that door. In here, take the RIGHT door, and in the room, open the wood closet and grab the Gold Key.
Head back to the room that has the three different doors. Now when you first enter, head straight, through the door. You should now be in a room with three locked doors. From here, head through the right door, down this hall through its door, and into a room with two paths to take. Take the right door. In this room, head all the way around the right corner behind you, and into one of the two doors. Here, you'll find a room with the Silver Key at the end, and eight small corridors. If you're on Bring 'em On mode, the first, second, and last pair of corridors should have mutants at the end of them. If Death Incarnate, then all corridors should have them.
To evade the mutants, walk very slowly towards the Silver Key, just so that the mutants can see you in the corridors, then back up, and wait for them to come out. After you've killed all the mutants, grab the Silver Key, and head back to the room with the three locked doors. When you enter the room, head right through the Silver Key door, through this room, and into the elevator.
3.2.4 Level 4
Hmm...this level is nothing major.

- H1 - The Gold Key lies here.
- H2 - Remember to get that Silver Key here.
- H3 - In here you can get some food and a Chaingun!
There may be some mutants sneak up on you in this level, so be extra careful. From your starting position, head directly forward, and through the small, long corridor to a room that has two paths you can go down. Really, the room is circle shaped, so go around the island in the middle one way, and grab the Gold Key. Head back the go through the corridor.
At the end of it, head left around the corner, and to an area with a number of doors to choose from. If you're facing the corner of the area, go into one of the farthest two doors on the left set of doors. Head down this small hallway, and into a large room, with the Silver Key at the end of it. Be VERY careful here, because the instant you make a sound, there will be mutants come from all the side rooms, a lot of mutants. If you want, take the middle door on the left side of the room, and in this room you can find a secret wall that leads you to the Chaingun, but if you're in a hurry or don't want risks, just grab the Silver Key and leave. Head back to your starting position.
From your starting position again, head left and to another group of doors. This time, head to the farthest one on the right set of doors. Head down the corridor, into the locked door, down the hallway, into the other locked door, turn left here, and head into the elevator.
3.2.5 Level 5
I like to call this level "The Swastika of Doom", for obvious reasons. The whole level is shaped like one! Yeah, you know it, id Software had to pull that off somewhere.

- H1 - Get the Silver Key here, first.
- H2 - This room has the Chaingun out in the open - get it.
- H3 - Get the Gold Key here, then head for the exit.
Ok, there are four wings to this level, for the four wings of a swastika. You'll have to go to all of them, so get ready.
The first wing of the level you're in has nothing in it, so in the hall you are in, head down it, turn left, and head all the way to the end, and enter the door. You'll be in a small room with three doors, plus yours, that lead to the different wings. One is locked. Enter the red-brick wing. Inside here, you can either head into the first door on your right, or go to the end of the hall. If you head in the right door, you'll be taken to a room with the Chaingun lying there, and alot of ammo. But, be careful, a number of SS guards are hiding behind the steel islands. If you're fast, you may go unnoticed.
If you chose to not go into the right door, head down the hall, and turn right. Head all the way down this hall, and enter the last door. Go in here, and you should find the Silver Key, guarded by mutants. Grab the key, and head back to the room that accesses the other wings.
This time, head into the blue-brick wing. In this wing, head down the hall, turn right, down this hall, and go to the last four doors. The last two of these doors goes to a room with some SS. The first two head into a long room with the Gold Key there. Once you get the key, go all the way back to the wing that has the locked door.
In this wing, head down the hall, around the corner, and go into the second-to-last door. In here, open the locked door, turn right, and head into the elevator.
3.2.6 Level 6
Kind of a mazy level. Be careful, sometimes things can sneak up on you. No Silver Key required to exit.

- H1 - Get the Gold Key here.
From your starting position, head forward, and down the hall as it turns slightly. At the end of this room, you will be taken to a split in the path. Remember this split, and take the door on the right. In this room, head into the corridor your left. Go down it, into the small junction, head right there, to the end of the room, and through the door. In this small room, take the door to the left. In here, kill the mutants and go through the door in front of you. Head right down the corridor, and into the first door you see. Once you open this door, DO NOT SHOOT YOUR WEAPON. Head down the corridor, and into the gray brick room. In the center of the room is the Gold Key. Now, remember the split I told you to remember? Go back to it.
When you first enter the room with the split, go through the door in front of you (or to the left of you, if you're thinking the first time you saw the split). Leave this small hallway, and go into the blue-brick area. Turn the corner and you should see three doors. Take the door on the right wall. This room might be tricky due to hiding enemies, so be careful. Head through the locked door you see, down the hall, open the door, and go into the elevator.
3.2.7 Level 7
This is perhaps the strangest level in the entire game. id Software made it so you can beat the entire level in seconds flat. The majority of the level lies in a secret. Strange, stuff.

- H1 - Grab the Silver Key here.
- H2 - If you want to explore the rest of the level, head into this secret.
Walkthrough? Heh, walking through this is almost a joke. But if I must... From your starting room, go right into that room, and grab the silver key. Then head back to your starting room, and enter the locked door. Ta da, the elevator.
If you want, you can turn left in the last room and push the eagle statue. This takes you to the rest of the level.
3.2.8 Level 8
What makes this level so special? Why, the infamous Aardwolf Maze, home of the "Call Apogee Say Aardwolf" sign. (see section 2.8.2)

- H1 - Get the Silver Key here before going after the Gold Key.
- H2 - Get the Gold Key here.
- H3 - If you dare enter the Aardwolf Maze, good luck getting through it.
From you starting position, you should the entrance to a wooden-walled area directly in front of you. Don't go to it, but turn 90 degrees left, and down the hall that way. You should T into another hall. Turn right at it, and into one of the last two doors. In this small room, take the middle or left doors you are facing. At the end of this hall should be two locked doors. Don't go in them, but head to the last unlocked door, and grab the Silver Key here.
Now head all the way back to the wooden-walled area you first saw when you entered the level. When you first get into it, head directly into the locked door, into the two doors on the left, and grab the Gold Key. But be very careful in this room, SS may sneak up on you. Now head out of the entire wooden-walled area.
When you first exit it, head left around the island and down the hall. When you get to the place with the bowls lying around, you can either turn right, and push the wall behind the second bowl, or continue down the hall. If you chose to push the wall, you'll be in a secret area. From there, push one of the walls in one of the corners, and then push the wall to the right there. Then, you'll be in a slightly larger room, and at the end are two signs. Push around on the end wall, and you'll then enter the Aardwolf Maze. (Use the map to help with finding secrets.) This is an EXTREMELY nasty maze that takes a long time to beat. IF you are lucky enough to avoid the Hans Grosse's, and get through the maze right, you'll see the great "Call Apogee Say Aardwolf Sign". Note that as a total teaser I have not traced the route through the maze. Beat it yourself and use the map if you're chicken! ;-P
If you chose not to go through the maze, continue down the hall, and enter the locked door. Then enter the elevator.
3.2.9 Dr. Schabbs
Finally, the moment we've all been waiting for...the final showdown with the Schabbsster. Take this guy out, or the world will fall at the hands of the Nazi's!

- H1 - Enter this secret for your refills on health.
- H2 - This secret has what you need to take out Schabbs.
- H3 - Dr. Schabbs. Whet else is there to say. Beat him to win the episode.
Ok, from your starting position, head through the door in front of you in this room. You'll enter a large room, with a large island in the middle of it. From here you can go a few ways:
You have two secrets that you need to open that seriously help you with health and ammo. Turn right and go into that corner, and open that secret to get health. Turn left, and open the secret in that corner to get ammo, and a Chaingun if you haven't already got one. Now, head around the island, and through the door with the warning signs next to it. Here, you'll enter Schabbs' room. Be very careful of the mutants in the room, though. They are deadly, and can really sneak up on you. Enter the room with caution. When you kill the mutants, run to the back of the room, and Schabbs will see you.
Killing Schabbs is relatively easy. He is the toughest boss, but to beat him, you have to constantly fire at him, and strafe out of the way of his saringes he throws. When you need ammo and health, remember to head back to your secrets. You can also use the tiny islands in Schabbs' room to your advantage, by hiding behind them to avoid his fire. Just remember all of your tricks, and you should be able to take out the mother.
3.2.10 Secret Level
Here is yet again another level that is very easy to beat, and has most of the level contained in secrets. Just be very aware of the mutants, they are everywhere.

- No hot-spots! :-P
Exit your starting room. From here you can do two things. Explore most of the level through the secret doors, (use map to find them) or turn a little to the right, and enter the door you see. Be careful of the mutants in the big room and in the smaller room you go into. If you enter the door, then simply head into the elevator.
3.3 Episode 3: Die, Fuhrer, DIE!
You stand over Schabbs' fat, evil, swollen putrid body, glad your mission is finally over. All his journals and equipment will be destroyed. Humanity is safe from his hordes of hideous mutants.
Yet the Nazi atrocities continue: thousands march into death camps even as the Nazi war machine falls to its knees. There is only one way to stop the madness. . . .
Hitler hides in his titanic bunker as the Third Reich crumbles around him. It is your job to assassinate him, ending his mad reign. You find he has escaped to the Reichstag, and there you must confront him.
As the story goes, you must invade Hitler's bunker, and kill him.
This episode, a new guard type appears, the Officers. Also, the secret elevator is on floor 7 this time.
3.3.1 Level 1
This level is short and sweet. It does have the first appearance of the Officer, though. If you notice, levels in this episode are a little more formal and fancy than previously. Well, Hitler is here! Its not gonna be a frickin prison!

- H1 - Grab the Gold Key here.
Exit your starting room. Head forward into the hall in front of you. It should turn right, and hit a door. Enter the door, and you'll be in a room with a wood-wall island in the middle. Head forward around this island, and into the door ahead of you. In this room, turn left, kill the guards, and grab the Gold Key. Leave the room, and head into the locked door in the main room. Meet your first officer here. After you figure out what he's all about, go around the island, and into the elevator behind it. Ta, da.
3.3.2 Level 2
DESIGNER: John Romero
This level has nothing special. Just get in there, kick ass, chew bubble gum, and realize you're all outta gum cause the stuff wasn't even around in the 1940s.

- H1 - Grab the Gold Key here.
Leave your tiny starting room. You'll be in a room with multiple paths to take (REMEMBER THIS ROOM), but for now, turn all the way right and around the island you're at, into the door with the pictures of Hitler around it. In here you can go two ways, and either is fine, it goes the same place, but let's take the left path. Turn down that hallway, go through the door, around the corner right, through the door into the small corridor room, and through the door at the end of it. In this room will be a few guards, and the Gold Key. Grab the key, and head back to room I told you to remember.
When you first enter the room this time, head left around the bend and into the locked door. Then, to the elevator.
3.3.3 Level 3
DESIGNER: John Romero?
Just another level. Geez, you know the deal here. I shouldn't even be saying these comments on 70% of these levels.

- H1 - You should already know what this is.
- H2 - Read above.
Ok, if you can even make sense of the cluttered first part of the map, you're already doing good. In your starting room you'll be faced with three doors. Take the right door for now. Go down this bendy hallway and into another room. (Yeah, yeah, settle down.) In here, turn all the way around the corner behind you to the right. Walk down this room, into the main section, grab the Gold Key, and head back to your starting room.
This time, from your starting position, take the center door. Go through this small hall, and into the blue-brick area. From here, you'll see a largish room with a large wooden-wall island room in the middle of it. Follow the island's walls around until you find a door. Enter the door, and then go into the small hallway. From there, open the door at the end of it, kill of the guards here, and grab the Silver Key. Leave the island now, and enter the locked door you should have seen in the blue-bricked area. Go through the other locked door here, and then into the elevator.
3.3.4 Level 4
DESIGNER: John Romero?
No comment due to lack of something to say...

- H1 - Gold Key here. Yadda, yadda, yadda.
- H2 - Silver Key here.
- H3 - This is one of the rare times in the game where you have to open a secret to beat the rest of the level.
In your starting room you'll be faced with two doors. Take the door on the right. Inside you'll be in a twisty hall, with a door to the left of you. Enter that door and you'll be in another hall-type thing. Take the path to the right of you that you see when you walk down it a ways, and go through the door at the end of it. Grab the Gold Key in this room and leave it. Go back into the hall, turn right, and enter the locked door. Grab the Silver Key here. Now head back to the twisty hall.
Head left here down the twisty hall and through the door on the left. You'll be in a room with a wood-wall island in the middle. When you first enter this room, walk along the wall to the door on the right, and go through it. Go down this hall, and around the bend. you'll be faced with a two-way split. Take either way, they both just go around an island and to a locked door. Enter the locked door. In here will be...nothing. HA! Gotcha. Push the wall at the end of it to reveal a secret. You can go either right or left here, it doesn't matter. They each go around an island, and to a couple of SSs and the elevator.
3.3.5 Level 5
Ok, ok. Here we go again.

- H1 - Gold Key here.
You'll start in a tiny corridor. Go left out of it, down a small hall into a larger room with columns and such. Be careful when you enter it, there'll be a guard that sneaks up behind you. In this room, take the farthest door on the right side of the room. Or, if it makes it any easier, the door to the right of the locked door. When you winter it, you'll be in a room with a large red brick island in the middle of it. Go into the small corridor in the island with the two swastika sashes next to it. In the room you enter, you'll be faced with many doors. Go through the door with the lamp and swastika next to it. Keep walking through, and around the corner to the right. Go through the door here, through this room, and to the Gold Key. Once you pick it up, head back to the room with the bunch of doors. When you first enter the room this time around, enter the middle door on the right wall to leave the island.
Go back out of this large room, and into the room with the columns. Enter the locked doors, and then head into the elevator.
3.3.6 Level 6
This level actually has a shortcut that can cut time dramatically if you take it. It uses secrets, so I won't hot-spot any of the secrets you have to enter.

- H1 - Only one key required to beat here. The Silver one.
Go directly forward here, through the door, and turn left, around the corner, and through the door there. Take the door to the right in this tiny room, down the corridor, and into the door on the left. Turn right in here, and push the wall with the swastike on it. Go through the door here, grab the treasure, and on the back wall there is a secret. Once you have found it, you'll se the Silver Key and a door. If you're playing on Death Incarnate here, GET READY. Once you enter the room, it'll be hell. Anyway, go through the door at the end of this hallway, and then through the locked door. Go down this hall, turn right, through the door, left through another door, and then into a big room and the elevator.
3.3.7 Level 7
This level, is, rather...strange. There is a large maze inside of it, and a weird question mark shaped area, too. Its actually quite simple to beat, (one way) despite the tons of paths I have laid out below. It also has the elevator to the secret level in it.

- H1 - Gold Key is here, at the end of the spiraling hallway.
- H2 - The secret elevator lies here. It takes you to the pac-man secret level. See section 3.3.10 for that.
Ok, get ready. Walk through the door in your starting room. You'll now be in a spiraling hallway. Ignore the door to your left, and go down the hall, around each bend to a two-door split. Take the right door, grab the key, and then head back around the hall. This time, take the door ahead of you at the end, because the left door takes you back to your starting room.
Ok, in this room, you can take two ways. The door to the left, and the door ahead of you. If you want to go to the secret level, take the door ahead of you. If you want to beat this level and continue, take the left door.
Taking the left door, run to the door ahead of you there, since some SS can see you through the columns. Mow down the guards in this room, and turn into the other door here, and fight the SS. Then take any of the two doors here, go through this room to the end of it and through the door, around the corner to the left in this room, through the locked doors, and then into the elevator.
If you decided to go to the secret level, first head through the long corridor, turning right. Open the door here, and mow down the SS. In this room, (the one with tons of doors) head through the very last door on the right. At the back of this tiny room, there is a pushwall somewhere. Find it, and go to another, bigger room with two doors. Take any door. Now, explaining where the pushwall is for this room is rather hard, so please use the map. (Don't forget to pick up the 1up here, too.) Once you've found out how to open the secret and enter the room, head through the big pile of treasure (grab it if you want) and into the side room with the oil berrels. Oh, no. You can't open the door with the Gold Key, and the Silver Key is missing! No fear. Just push the wall behind the small, brown, bowl or basket on the left. (In reality a toilet.) From here on, its a large maze. Explaining the rest would take too much time, and I'm too lazy to do it, so you'll just have to use the map. :-P
3.3.8 Level 8
This is a pretty hard level, so get ready.

- H1 - Silver Key here.
- H2 - Gold Key here.
- H3 - I usually don't note a whole room, but I thought I should here. Once you enter this room, its gonna be hell on Earth. Be extra cautious here, and use your health/ammo wisely.
Ok, get ready. The last level before Hitler isn't going to be any easy deal. You'll notice in your starting room that there is no door. Well, if you've got any sense at all you'll be able to tell that you have to open a secret to continue. The secret is easy to find here, just push the wall in the middle of the two columns. From here, you'll be taken to a large swastika-shaped room. Turn right and go down that wing of the room. Turn right around the corner, and mow down the guards. Be very careful, though, since there are that many guards in all other wings of the room, too. Enter the door to the right of you. In this room, go straight ahead, and to the right, collecting the silver key. Head back out of this room, back through the wing of the swastike room, and turn left at the intersection. You'll notice a door to the right here. If you need ammo, get it in there. If you die, go to that room FIRST to get enough ammo. Continue down the wing, and into the door to the right at the end of it.
Here will be a room with two small wood islands. Just go straight forward into a small room, then left into another room, then through another door. Here you'll be in a room with many small steel wall islands and oil berrels. This is kind of a mazey thing, so use the map to help get you through, or figure out the route yourself. If you get through it, you'll be faced with two doors. You can go through either. Be careful here, there are a few guards waiting for you behind the door. Turn right when you first enter this room, and head through the door. You'll be faced with a room with many doors. I'm too lazy to explain exactly which door to go into to get the Gold Key, but use the map for help.
Once you get the Gold Key, head back into the room you entered before you entered the hall with the doors. Head to the other end of the room here, and open the door. Go through the corridor, and open one of the locked doors. Any of them. In this room, get ready. There are quite a few guards in here, and they CAN sneak up on you, so be SURE you've killed them all before you continue. Use the red brick islands to your advantage here, and collect ammo and health ONLY when you NEED it. Once you kill them all, head through the two unlocked doors, and into this barrel-maze type thing. At the end of it, open the locked door, fire one shot into the room, and as fast as you can go back through the maze, into the big room, and in front of the two doors. This makes it very easy, since all you do is wait for them to come to you.
Once you've killed all the guards, head back through the "maze", into the locked room, through another "maze", and into the elevator. Phew. Get ready for Hitler!
3.3.9 Adolph Hitler
DESIGNER: John Romero?
Here it is. The final (well, final in the storyline anyway...) battle of Wolfenstein. You and Hitler. One on one. Every man for himself. Cage match. No DQ. For the HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WOR...oh. Heh, sorry. Got a little carried away. ;-)

- H1 - Open the secret here. It will be very useful now or in the future when you're low on health and have nowhere else to go. But use it up wisely.
- H2 - The Gold Key lies here.
- H3 - The big man himself. 'Nuff said.
Ok. You'll start in a room with the chaingun and ammo in front of you. I bet you've been wondering where this thing is through this episode, right? Well, its just been up here, waiting for you. Yep, this is the chaingun's only appearance this episode. Anyway, fill up on ammo, grab the gun, and go through the door. You'll now be faced with Hitler's Ghost, another episode, and game, first. Strafe out of the way of the shower of fire the thing shoots at you. If you touch it, it can be very deadly. Go past the ghost after you beat it and push the wall with Hitler's portrait in one of the corners. In this secret room, there are a nice amount of backup supplies. I wouldn't collect them now, unless you're really low. Wait until you REALLY need them in your fight with Hitler later.
Leave the secret room, and go through one of the two doors entering the wood wall area. In here, go straight through to the two other doors there, and open one. You'll be in a longish room, with a couple guards, and two more ghosts. Turn left and grab the key here first, then go back around to the locked door. Now, get ready, since this is it.
Ok, when you first enter his room, run directly forward, hearing the stuff he says on the way, and turn around the corner right, into a pool of ammo and health. Kill the officer here, and load up. Then, go back into the main room and start fighting. Use the steel wall islands to your advantage here, and hide behind them to avoid fire. When Hitler breaks his fire rounds, use it as an advantage and blast him.
Once his armor is off, he'll be really fast here, and you might need more supplies. Go back to your secret room and load up. Hitty shouldn't be too far behind. Just use strafing and be fast, and he'll be dead soon. Whoo-hoo!!!
The absolute incarnation of evil, Adolf Hitler, lies at your feet in a pool of his own blood. His wrinkled, crimson-splattered visage still strains, a jagged-toothed rictus trying to cry out. Insane even in death. Your lips pinched in bitter victory, you kick his head off his remains and spit on his corpse.
Seig heil...huh. Seig hell.
3.3.10 Pac-Man Secret Level
This is one of my favorite levels. This special secret level is a repro of a Pac-Man level, complete with all the ghosts. Beating it is a sinch, but that's not really the point in this level. Its just for fun.

- Umm...hot-spots?
Heh. Look at the map, or explore yourself. Don't forget to avoid touching the ghosts and grab all the four extra lives here.
3.4 Episode 4: A Dark Secret
There was no official in-game story of this episode, so I'll tell you a little about it here.
Hitler has planned a new war, dubbed the Giftkrieg. Instead of using normal infantry/artillery, he has planned using super chemical weapons. These weapons are many times stronger than normal bombs or explosives, because they use certain chemical ingredients. If these weapons are successfully used, and the plan is executed, the Allies could be crippled and destroyed, permanently.
The allies have already found the location of the research and laboratories of these weapons. You must travel to that place, and destroy any more continuing research and production. You must also kill the scientist behind the matter, Otto Giftmatcher.
Good luck!
3.4.1 Level 1
[Insert more totally useless level comments here.]

- H1 - Gold Key here.
You'll start in a large fancy room. Go forward and around the wall block at the end of the room, and into one of the double-doors. In this room, there should be an SS. Mow it down to get a machine gun and then leave the room. Turn right when you leave, and around the steel wall block and into the door behind it.
Go into the red brick corridor here. Use the map to find your way around here and get the Gold Key. Once you get it, leave the red brick area, and this time go across the path, skipping the door and going into the gray brick side room there. Then turn right, and go into the cavelike area.You need to follow a wall the whole time to get to the locked doors; use the map for help. Then enter the elevator.
3.4.2 Level 2
This level is a favorite for many Wolfensteiners. A major reason is its super-secret room, with a ton of goodies. Buts its really hard to find...

- H1 - You can go two ways here. To the super-secret room, or you can just beat the level, WITHOUT getting four extra lives, tons of treasure, and a Chaingun.
- H2 - Gold Key lies in the small closet here.
- H3 - Here is the secret room of goodies.
When you first enter the level, head forward. Turn right here, and start heading down the hallway. When you get to the red-brick area, you can either go into it to get to the secret room of goodies, or you can continue down the hallway to beat the level. If you picked to beat the level, just keep going down the hall. Once you get to the spot where the hallway break off to the side, and you can go in that, do so. You can use the map to find your way through this part, and get the Gold Key in the closet. Beware the SS.
Once you get the key, head back to the main hallway, and go right. Continue down it, until you reach the first door to your right. Enter it, go through the room, then head into the wood-wall room, and through the elevator.
If you decided to go to the secret room, when you first enter the red-brick area, you'll be in a room with three doors. Head into the door in front of you. In here, just head straight forward and push the gold swastika on the wall. Then you can use the map to navigate through the system of secrets here to get to the room. Be sure NOT to push the wrong walls, or you'll block the way.
3.4.3 Level 3
And you thought I was actually going to add a comment here?

- H1 - Gold Key here.
- H2 - Open the secret here to go to the secret level.
In your starting room, there will be a wood wall island in the middle of it. Turn right from your starting point and head around the island to the first door you see. REMEMBER THIS ROOM. :-) Turn left here, and through the door on the left wall. Go through the small room here, to a four-door tiny room. Take the left door, then turn right down the corridor, turn right again, through the corridor to the first door on the left you see. Enter this small room, get the key, and then head all the way back to the room I told you to remember (the second room). This time, take the first door on the left wall. Go down the hall here, and turn left to the locked door. In this room, walk down the hall until the room gets bigger. Be careful here, quite a number of guards can come after you. You should be able to see the elevator from here.
If you want to go to the secret level, head into the corridor opposite the elevator here, into the gray brick space. Turn left at the split, then left at another, and finally right and another. The wall you are walking towards when you make your last turn has a pushwall on it somewhere. Push it, then go through the door, and into the elevator.
3.4.4 Level 4

- H1 - Gold Key here.
Your starting room is shaped like a cross. When you enter the level, turn into the left wing of the cross, and through any of the two doors. You'll be in a square shaped room with two doors on each wall. Enter the door farthest from you on the right wall. Go through the corridor, and around the small steel block. When you come to a split, go either way, it just loops around here. Once you get to the other side of the wood wall island and grab the key, head back to your starting, cross-shaped room.
Now when you enter, go straight to the other wing of the cross, into the door. Turn left down the corridor here, and you'll run into a tricky room with a number of intersecting corridors. Beware of the guards here. If you can, just run the whole time and you shouldn't lose much life. Anyway, turn at the third corridor to your right, then pass another, and enter the elevator. Beware the SS inside of it.
3.4.5 Level 5
Rather big level here. Get ready.

- H1 - Get the Silver Key here. Be careful of the SS protecting it.
- H2 - Use the small system of secrets here to get the Gold Key.
Ok, here we go. From your starting room, go straight forward. The wall directly to you right at your starting point has a secret with a machine gun in it somewhere. Get it if you need it. Anyway, go straight forward, turning right around the corner. Go either way at the small split. You'll be faced with a bunch of dogs here. Mow them down, then go through the rest of the room, and into the door to your right. Go down the corridor here, and into the door to your left at the split. You should then enter a hallway type thing with two paths. Take the left path, away from the path with the oil berrels down it. Head forward here, into the door ahead of you, not to the right of you. You'll then be in a room with six corridors going out of it. Take the second one on the left. Go through the door here, then right, next to the island into the door. Be careful in this room, there are a number of SS guarding the key. Anyway, grab the key, and head back to the room with the separating paths. (The one where I said don't go to the path where the oil berrels are.)
When you enter the room this time, turn left, and head into the door I said not to before. Turn left at the split, then follow the corridor, and when it splits, keep turning left. When you see a part of it with multiple doors, take the second one to your left here, and follow this corridor all the way around. When you get to the end of it, and you open the door, you'll be in a room with TWO elevators. Ignore both. They're just distractions. Turn left at the end of this room, and then look at the map. When you enter this room, there is a wall you can push that's right in front of you. Once you find it, go through the door to your right, and then rush the wall next to the barrel. Grab the chaingun, Gold Key, and first aid here. Then leave the tiny secret system, and find your wall to the end of the room, to the triple doors. Enter any of the three. Go around the red brick islands here, and into the outer hallway in this room. Turn left down it, kill the guards, head to the end of it, and open the door at the right. Head through the winding corridor here, and into the locked doors. Go through this room into the other locked doors, then in this room, go into the elevator at the right. Whew.
3.4.6 Level 6
For some reason I always consider this level to be a continuation of sorts of level 4. Its kinda the same thing...

- H1 - Gold Key here.
- H2 - Silver Key here.
From your starting position, just go straight into the corridor in front of you to your left a little and walk down it. Continue past the small section to your left, and then when you leave the corridor into a larger room, turn right, across the room, to the other side and down another corridor with a break every other wall block. Use the map to see which door you should enter to find the Gold Key, or just find the right door yourself. Once you grab the Gold Key, continue down the corridor again the same direction you were going, until you find the door close to the corridor, and a locked door right behind it. Behind the locked door will be a variable wall of guards, so blast them away. Once you get through them, go down the short corridor. When you get to the split, go any direction, this is just a small island.
When you enter the wood wall area, finally, and get through the room with the tiny wall block in it, turn left and around a corner here. If you went to the correct locked door here, you should enter it. Get through the room here. In the room you enter, head into the right door, then through that little room, and through the locked doors. Grab the Gold Key in this room, and head out of it. Use the map to find the room you head back to. Once you get to this room, turn left around the corner here, into the other locked door, through the small section in this room and then through the elevator.
BTW, that was the worst level walkthrough I've written so far. If they keep getting worse, please stop reading. Thank you.
3.4.7 Level 7
Yadda, yadda, yadda.

- H1 - GK
- H2 - SK
When you enter the level you'll be in a room, with a locked door in front of you. Remember this room. Turn left here, around the corner, into the door on the left wall in this room. Go through the corridor here, into the larger part of the room. Go left and into the corridor, and push the eagle banner on the wall. In this secret room, DO NOT push the other eagle banner. Look around and find another secret wall here, and then another in this secret. Go through any of the two doors here, mow down the officers, and grab the Gold Key (GK). If you want, when you leave the secrets, back in the small room, there is a Chaingun in there, so get it if you need it. Then go back to the room I told you to remember, and into the locked door here.
Go through this room (beware the guards) and into the gray stone area. You'll then be faced with a number of paths here, so pick the one directly in front of you, to the left a tad. Go down this corridor, any way at the split, and turn around at the end of it to get the Silver Key (SK). Then go through the locked door, around the corner to the left, into the door, and then into the elevator.
3.4.8 Level 8
This level is also kinda longish. There are a lot of lines on the map here, so good luck trying to distinguish them.

- H1 - GK
- H2 - There is a split here. You can go straight to complete the level, or if you want you can side track and get a Chaingun and a load of supplies.
- H3 - SK
When you first start, there will be a number of officers in the room where you are, so I recommend going straight forward and grabbing all the ammo in the line, then shooting when you're in the corner here. Once all the guards are dead, head to the right and into the door here. There will be a system of winding paths here that are essentially the same room, but go through them to the end of them and grab the GK. There are also a number of guards here, so be ready. Once you get the GK, head back to your starting room. Head around to the other side of the room here, and into the door here. Go through this small and winding hallway. At the end of it will be two doors. Take the door ahead of you to complete the level. Take the door to the right of you to enter a strangely shaped room, with a Chaingun and lots of supplies in it.
If you decided to complete the level, just go through the corridor here, then along the right wall (look at the map if these directions seem crazy. If you haven't noticed, I've depended alot on the map in this episode). At the end of this wall is a secret. Find it, push it, and go through the locked door. Then go through the unlocked door. Turn left here. When you come to a split, turn left, then look at the map to find were the door to the room with the SK is. Then use the map to find your way out of the blue-brick area.
Once you get through it, head directly forward and when you come to the second corridor, turn right, then into the locked door, then into the elevator. BEWARE the SS in the elevator.
3.4.9 Otto Giftmatcher
Welps, here he is. The scientist behind the creation of the chemical weaponry.

- H1 - Sure, you could risk your life and grab the keys next to the guard there...or you could play it safe and get the keys in this secret room.
- H2 - The man himself, Otto Giftmatcher. He's got a rocket launcher, so remember to avoid the rockets by strafing!
In your starting room are two doors on either end of the room. Take the door on the right here. Then go through this room right into the door ahead of you. In this room, it is vital that you DON'T shoot your gun. You'll notice that there will be a guard standing next to two keys, with two doors next to him. Don't even try to get the keys. A motherload of guards will run out of the room behind the doors. Instead, look for a secret on one of the walls here. Use the map to see exactly where. In that secret contains two other keys. Grab them, then head back out of this room the way you came in. When you enter this room, turn right here, down the hall, and into the door on your right. Walk forward, and into Otto's line of sight.
Ok. You'll notice in his room, there are two locked doors. The blue brick one has ammo and a Chaingun, and the red brick one has health. Go full up here, and then face the guy.
He shoots rockets, so you can strafe out of the way here. Also use the wood wall islands to your advantage, using the hide and shoot method if you wish. Just use your strafing and mow the S.O.B. down.
3.4.10 Secret Level
This secret level is totally bizarre. I think id was drunk when they made it. Its basically a huge trap. You have to follow a certain path, and you can make it out untouched. But if you happen to mess up, there is also a secret room with ammo in it.

- H1 - Go into the secret here, if you want to get ammo.
Just use the map to find the path outta here, and RUN.
3.5 Episode 5: Trail of the Madman
The twisted scientist behind the chemical war lies at your feet, but the fruits of his labor grow elsewhere! The first wave of chemical war is already underway. In the heavily guarded fortress of Erlangen are the plans for the upcoming Giftkrieg (or Poison War). Find them and you'll know where to find General Fettgesicht, leader of the deadly assault.
Well, as the story goes, you have to head over to Erlangen and find the plans!
3.5.1 Level 1
DESIGNER: John Romero?
Do I really have to comment here?

- H1 - GK
You start, as always, from your starting room. Go through the door in front of you. Mow down the guards, then go through the door to the left of where you entered. Turn left down this big hallway, all the way to the end of it, and through the door to the left. Go through this room, and then you'll be in a three-door barricade. Once you open the third door, be careful, an SS is waiting for you at the other end. Go around the corner in this room and pick up the Gold Key and treasure. Then head back to the big hallway.
Now, head all the way down the hallway again, into the door at the end of it. Shoot the guards in this room, then go through the door. You'll run into a room with a few doors to enter, and some side corridors you can't see down. There are guards down every corridor, and hen you first enter the room you'll get spotted. Anyway, enter the door straight ahead of you, into the blue-brick area. Head left into that corridor. Go through the locked door at the end of it, and be careful in this room. There are guards all around it. I suggest running into the center so they'll all see you, then heading for cover again, and shoot them down. But, in any situation, be careful. You should see the elevator.
3.5.2 Level 2
DESIGNER: John Romero
Yesireebob...Well, there is a cool feature in this level (but one you don't have to see to beat it). Its the gauntlet run of sorts with all the SS. You gotta run to survive!

- H1 - GK
When you start, turn left. Keep turning until you see the opening in the wall. Through it, and enter the door to the left in this small room. Then, head into the door on your left again. Go any way around this wood-wall island. Enter it, grab the Gold Key, then head back to your starting position.
Once you're there, this time head around the steel-wall island, and into the locked door. Turn left, then go through the door here. Turn left around the corner here, and go into the elevator.
3.5.3 Level 3
DESIGNER: John Romero

- H1 - SK
When you start, turn left a little, and go down that hallway, into either of the two doors you first see. Mow down all the guards in this room, and head across the room into the door in the left farthest corner from where you first entered. Turn right around the corner in this hassle, and into the door at the end of the hall to the right. Grab the Silver Key. Then, head back to your starting position. If you notice, the wall you have your back to at the start of the level is a big island. Go behind the island, shoot the SS, and go through the locked door, into the elevator.
3.5.4 Level 4
DESIGNER: John Romero
This level has a guard and a dog in every room, guaranteed. It looks simple to beat, but how far from the truth that is...

- H1 - GK
- H2 - A secret lies here that is full of health, ammo, treasure, and a Chaingun.
- H3 - SK
From your start position, go straight forward into the door you see. Go through this hall, and into the blue-wall area. Turn left this this small room, through the door. Then, through this room into the red-brick area. Grab the Gold Key here. Also, if you want, push the eagle banner in here to enter a secret room with a bunch of goodies. Leave the red brick area from the opposite way, or through the other door. Turn left and head down this hall, into the blue-wall area. Head directly forward in this room, through the door, then into the locked door in this room. Get the Silver Key. Then, continue around the outer rim of this level (use the map for the path) until you get to the other locked door. Then enter the elevator.
3.5.5 Level 5
DESIGNER: John Romero
Have you noticed a slight pattern in John Romero levels? Hmm...

- H1 - SK
- H2 - GK
- H3 - Take the another path in secret areas to head to the secret level.
When you start, you should be facing two doors. Head into the left door. Turn left in this room at the sort of split, then right, through any door you see. This room should be packed with guards. Mow them all down, and grab the Silver Key. Then, head back to your starting point.
While you are heading back to the point, you should see a locked door. This is to the right of your starting point when you first start. Enter this door. You should be at a place where you can go two ways. Head left. Go down to the end of the hallway. Here you can go two ways. One, right to grab the Gold Key; two, push a wall in the corner here to go to the secret level.
Heading right to the key, grab it, then head back to the room where your starting point is. When you first enter the room this time, turn left here and head into the other locked door. Go down the red-brick hallway here, and into the elevator.
If you decided to go to the secret level, when you enter the secret, you'll be in a large room with columns. Grab the stuff if you want, then push the red swastika banner at the back of the room to open the other secret, with a Chaingun, ammo, and treasure. Then, enter the elevator.
3.5.6 Level 6
DESIGNER: John Romero
I'm about to put no level comments in levels that need none.

- H1 - GK
- H2 - SK
From your starting point, turn right, around the corner. Go down the hall here, and into the door with the columns and banners next to it. Go past this room, through the door, and into the door to your right here. Then, turn right, into the windy corridor here. At the end of it lies a small room with the Gold Key. Grab it, and head back out of the corridor. Turn left into the door, and then across this room, into the door with the eagles around it, then left into the locked door. Go through this tiny corridor, into a small room with the Silver Key. Then, head back to the other locked door you may have seen while getting the Gold Key. In this room, head straight across it, into the red-brick area and locked door. Go to the end of this hallway, and into the elevator. Beware of the officer in it, though.
3.5.7 Level 7
DESIGNER: John Romero?
Standard affairs.

- H1 - GK
- H2 - SK
When you start, you many wanna turn right around. A machine gun lies just behind you. Get it if you've died or something. Ok, now, leave the corridor you're in, and the room should be larger and cross-shaped. Turn left, around the corner behind you, and into any of the two doors here. Go through this room, and mow down the wall of guards. Grab the Gold Key, then had back to the big cross-shaped room.
Run across this room, to the wing opposite you, and enter the locked door off to the side there. There should be three hallways in this room. Go down any one of them. In the room you enter, mow down the guards and grab the Silver Key. Then, head back to the cross-shaped room. Enter the wing to the left of you here, the one where you started. Go into the door here, and into the red-brick area. Be careful in this room with the multiple doors, there's an SS behind most of them, and when you fire your gun, you'll alert them all. Once you've killed them all, enter any of the doors, then enter the locked door in this room. Turn right, go down the hall, and enter the elevator.
3.5.8 Level 8
This is the last stand before you have to take on Ms. Grosse. Oh, how the elevator taunts you, being so close, yet so impossible to get!

- H1 - GK
- H2 - SK
You start in a hallway that takes you around in a spiral. Get through it, and to the main hall here, where the elevator lies behind the berrels. Go up to the triple-door split. Enter the door to your left. In this room, just into the door ahead of you (or any other door for that matter). Explore this room until you find the door. Enter into a room with guards, and the Gold Key. Grab it, and head back to the triple-door split.
Go directly forward instead of left here. In this room, turn around the corner to the right, and enter the locked door. Go any way you want at the split here. Once you get to the big part of this room, mow down the guards and grab the Silver Key. Then, head back to where you saw the elevator, and enter the locked door to the right of it, then into the elevator.
3.5.9 Gretel Grosse
DESIGNER: John Romero
Finally. The floor where the Giftkrieg plans are located. And, where Gretel Grosse protects them with her life. Oh, and have you noticed my walkthroughs getting slightly shorter?

- H1 - Gretel Grosse awaits you!
- H2 - Once you've killed them all, its the plans for you! Yeah!!!
Go straight when you first enter the level, into the room loaded with health. Don't worry about ammo right now. Go through any of the three doors here, and then directly right or left, then straight, into the door you see. NOT the door to the right that you see. In these two rooms are the ammo stashes. Then, leave the rooms, and head for Grosse.
To defeat her, use the hide and shoot technique. Hide behind a wall when she shoots, then shoot her up when she's not. Remember to grab health and ammo from the rooms of needed. Also, if you need a Chaingun, head into a secret room from one of the walls of the big room. (Use the map.) Eventually, you'll kill her.
Once you do, grab the Gold Key she drops, and head into the locked door you may have seen. If you thought the battle was over, you're dead wrong. A load of other troops comes in here. Shoot them down, then turn the corner, and run for the plans!
3.5.10 Secret Level
DESIGNER: John Romero?
This is a secret level that actually comes close to being a slightly normal level.

- H1 - GK
When you start, you'll be faced with three doors. Head into the left one. At the cross, turn right and go into that door. Go straight across here, into the door, and into the long corridor. When you come up to the door on your left in the corridor, enter it, and grab the Gold Key. Then leave and continue through the corridor. At the end of it, enter the door, and turn left in this room, through another door. You'll be back at the cross. Turn right here, and go into the door. Then, right again in this room. Go through the small corridor here, and enter the locked door when you come to it. Grab all the goodies, and enter the elevator.
3.6 Episode 6: Confrontation
Gretel Grosse the giantess guard has fallen. Hope her brother, Hans, doesn't get mad about this....
Now rush to the military installation at Offenbach and stop the horrible attack before thousands die under the deadly, burning clouds of chemical war. Only you can do it, B.J.
You must now go to the installation and kill General Fettgesicht! Get ready, it'll be no easy ride from here on out.
3.6.1 Level 1
Your first level. The big part of this level (the blue-stone part) is quite strange if you ask me. Very hard to run through it without dying.

- H1 - The secret here has a machine gun in it, if you want it. You'll need it to get through this episode.
When you first enter the level, turn left into the little side-corridor there, and get the ammo. Then head back out and go into the door on the right side of the room. Keep going past the door to your right in this room, into the door ahead of you. Now you'll be in a long hallway. Be very careful here. There are officers in almost every single side hidey-hole. I recommend slowly approaching each one, then backing up after the guard sees you, and then killing him when he comes for you. There is also a secret room in the second one to the left that you can open that has a matchine gun, that you'll need in this level. Anyway, follow the path out of this section of the level.
Once you're out of it, you'll be in a room with a bunch of berrels in it. Go around the berrels, but be careful of the officers at the end. Some of them in the room ahead of you may hear, too. Once they're dead, head into the room where some of them previously were, and from there head into any of the two doors you see. Turn left in the corridor here, and go to the end of into the red-brick area. This area is a very long one, so just keep going until you finally reach the end of it. At the end, there should be a door. Enter this door, then head right, and into the elevator.
3.6.2 Level 2
DESIGNER: Robert Prince
A strange one from the musician and sound/fx person of Wolf, Robert Prince. The main part of the level is in like, layers.

- H1 - GK
When you first start out, you'll be in a strange room with many wall block islands around. Get through it any way you want, but be careful of guards that can sneak up on you from behind. When you find the door, and enter the second room, you'll find this room is pretty much the same. Get through it like before.
When you leave the room, you'll be in a hallway that splits off at the end. Turn left here. Keep going down the hall, and around the bend, into the first door to your left. Turn right here, and go down the hall this way. Keep going down it, until you reach the end, and enter the very last door to the right. Then turn right, go down the hall, and enter the room at the end of it. Then turn right again. Go down this hall until you get to the second door to your left. You should see a door to the right a little here, so enter it. Go through the door in this small hallway, then go down this larger one, all the way around it, until you get to the last door. Enter it, then turn left. Go down and around the hallway here, and enter the door at the end of it.Go through these small corridors, and grab the Gold Key. Then enter the locked door here, and head into the elevator.
3.6.3 Level 3
DESIGNER: Robert Prince/Tom Hall
You should recognize the shape of this level. This one consists of many swastikas put together. Cool, but damn hard without guidance. There are level clues that can show you the right path, but I'll let you find them yourself. ;P

- H1 - SK
- H2 - Get the secret Gold Key here to enter the secret level.
- H3 - The secret elevator that goes to level 10.
Enter the level. Go around the corner. You'll notice a locked door here, and if you want to go to the secret level, remember it. Anyway, turn left at the crossings, and go through the door in this wing. (Notice the berrels...) Go around the corner here, and turn left again at the crossings, then enter any of the two doors in this wing. (Again, those berrels...) Head directly forward at this crossings, and into the door at the end of the wing. Go through this room, and through this other one. Then enter the corridor in the next room. Go down this corridor, and at the end of it should be the Silver Key. Grab it, then head back to the last swastika you were in.
When you get to the crossings this time, head right, and through the door in this wing. Enter the door to your left in this hallway, into another swastika. Head right at the crossings, and into the locked door in this wing. Turn left here, across the crossing, and into the elevator.
If you wish to go to the secret level, check the wall for a secret where the main elevator is. Go through this tiny system of secrets, into a room, and then push another wall for the Gold Key. Then, head back to your starting point, and into the first locked door you saw in the level. Enter a secret from this room, and then enter the secret elevator.
3.6.4 Level 4
Just another level.

- H1 - GK
- H2 - SK
Enter the level. Go through the door you see on your right. Go through this windy room, and into the door at the end of it. If you want, in this room, there is a secret with a Chaingun you can get. If not, just enter the door in this room, and go through this diamond-shaped room. Turn left into the door in this small room, into a triangular-shaped one. Turn right here, and enter the door in the corner of it. This room contains a number of officers, so be careful. Turn left in this room, and enter the left door to get the Gold Key, beware the officers.
Once you get it, head back to the triangle-shaped room. When you enter it, run across to the other corner. Enter the door there, and turn right. This room should split into a T, with double locked doors on one side, and a single locked on the other. Enter the double locked doors. Mow down the officers, and take either the doors on the right or left side of the room. Follow the corridor and get the Silver Key. Once you have it, go back to the room with the single locked door and enter it.
Go around the bend here and enter the door. You'll be in a small corridor. Turn left just after the corner does, and enter the door there. Then enter one of the locked doors. Turn left here, and go through the corridors until you get to the end of it, and go through the door. You'll then be in a room with two doors to chose from. Go into the door ahead of you, and in this room should be a double door thing. Enter either of them, and in this room enter the elevator. Beware the SS.
3.6.5 Level 5
The last part of this level makes it stand out for me. And its the reason for the only Hot-Spot #4 in the guide.

- H1 - Head into this secret if you want, to get treasure, ammo, and a Chaingun.
- H2 - GK
- H3 - SK
- H4 - The only H4 in this guide. This part of the level is a large and long hallway. Run through it FAST, then turn around at the end and blow 'em away.
When you start, you'll be in a room with three doors to take. Two of them are locked, so don't worry. If you want, you can open a secret that's directly to the right of you here, that gives you a number of goodies including a Chaingun. Enter the non-locked door, and go through the corridor into the main room and get the Gold Key. Head back to your starting room. Turn right here, and enter that locked door. Go either way at the split. Go through the corridors until you reach the main part of the room, and then mow down all the guards and get the Silver Key. Then head back to your starting room.
This time, turn right again and enter that locked door. Go through the corridor. The main part of the room has some large wood-wall islands in it, so go around them to the three-door split. Enter the door in front of you. You'll then be in a small room with a corridor going off to the side. Enter it, and go around until the corridor merges into a larger hallway. When you get to the straight part of it, the area where there are many small hideaways on each side of the hallway, get ready. Mow down the guards you see in the distance, then, RUN. Run to the end of the hallway, then flip around and mow all the guards down. (NOTE: This is easier with a Chaingun. :) ) Once they're dead, head to the end of the hallway where the door is, and enter it. Fight the guards here, then enter the elevator. (Caution, guards are in it.)
3.6.6 Level 6
DESIGNER: John Romero?
Another favorite of Wolfenstein fans, this one is pretty hard to beat. The main reason being is its strange design that has large hallway-type rooms that are not split apart into smaller rooms. One shot means a guard in some other part of the level can come running.

- H1 - SK
- H2 - GK
This one will be hard to walk you through...but here goes. Beware of guards all the time here.
Enter the door when you first start the level. You should see another door in front of you, enter that one too. Then enter the door you should see to the right of you a little. Then, enter the other door you should see to the right. Turn right at this hallway, then enter the door you should see right in front of you. Turn right, then right again at the split, into the door. Grab the Silver Key in this room.
Then, head back through the door you came in on. Turn right at the split again, through the door, then down the hall and turn left, through that door, then turn right around the corner behind you, and you should see a locked door. In here, run and snatch the Gold Key, then head out through the other locked door. Head straight down this hallway, through the door ahead of you. Then gradually go right alot, down a hall, until you see another locked door. Enter it.
Turn right of course here, then any direction at the split. Go to the end of this hallway, and make a left, around the corner, into the elevator.
3.6.7 Level 7
Obviously a large maze in most of the level. Hard to beat without this guide. :)

- H1 - GK
- H2 - Uh, oh...the Silver Key is behind a column! Of course, you have to get to it by secret.
Be careful in your starting room. There are a number of guards in those hideaways to the side. Get through them, and go through any of the two doors in this room. Go down this hallway, and into the door to the left. You'll be in a big room shaped like a cross. Turn left at the center of the cross, down the hall, and into the door. Grab the Gold Key in this room, and head back out into the cross room. Turn left in the center of the cross here, and into any of the two locked doors. In this room, you may notice the Silver Key is behind a column. There is a pushwall next to the column you can push to open it up. Do so and grab the key, beware the SS. Then head back to the cross, and head left in the center of it again.
At the end of this hall is a choice between two doors. Take the one on the left. From here, use the map to guide you through the maze. Once you get to the locked door, enter it, mow down the officers, and enter the elevator.
3.6.8 Level 8
A very long level, indeed, if you don't know where any secrets are.

- H1 - GK
- H2 - SK
It seems like the main hallway in this level is neverending, if you don't' know about the secret shortcuts. There is a secret on the wall next to you in the first part of the level. Go through it, and head around the corner into the door. Go through this room, through the next, through the next, and then turn right in this room, around the corner, into the door. Head through this small room, and into the room with two doors. Go through the one on the left. Turn right and head down the hallway. Turn left around the corner here, and go to the end of the hallway and through the door. Go through this room, and then through the next. Turn right into the door in this room. Then, turn right again, and into that door in the room with two doors. Go straight ahead here, and into the door you first see, and take a right in this room, through the door. You'll then be in the room with the Gold Key. Grab it. You may notice a wall block sticking out. Push in on one of the sides, then push the wall that was behind it.
You'll be in the main hallway now. Turn left here, and head all the way down it, and stop before it bends left. On the right wall here, there should be a secret. Open it. Then, enter the locked door to the right of you. Go through this room, then through the next. In the room with the tripe doors, enter any of them. Leave this room and then enter the first door you see. Then enter the door you should see to your right a little. Enter the door that leads to the blue stone area in this room, the first one on your right. Get the Silver Key in this room, and exit the opposite way you came. Head into the door you should see a little to your right. Go through this small room, then take a left and go into the door. Head right into the first door you see here. Turn right in this room and head through the door. Turn right again, and enter any of the two doors you see. Go through the other two doors here, too. Take a left and head into the locked. door. Then, turn left and around the corner, finally into the elevator. Brace yourself...
3.6.9 General Fettgesicht
Ladies and Gentlemen, if you thought for a minute all levels in this game have been easy, well, you have not met your match. This LITERALLY puts all of them to shame. I actually saw treasure in this level, and when I saw it, I laughed my head off, going "Treasure? That stuff was in the other levels. Those other levels were kids play! HAHAHA!" Yes, this is, in all forms of the word, really f*cking hard.

- H1 - First things first, enter this secret. There are four major health/ammo secrets in this level, and you need to open ALL of them to survive, but get this one first, because its got a Chaingun in it. You'll need that later.
- H2 - There are secrets inside of each of the steel-wall areas. Open them both for ammo and health.
- H3 - Here he is. The second most powerful boss, General Fettgesicht. He's got a nice little Chaingun AND Rocket Launcher waiting for you. Although he himself isn't too hard to beat, its his insane amount of protection - the tons of guards in the level - that get to be a hassle.
Ok, when you start, mow down the guards in this room. On the right wall here, there is a secret. Open it, and fill up. Then, enter any of the four doors you see. Fire your gun, into the open door, then run back and mow down the guards as they run into the room. Once they're all dead, enter the room where they were, and you can go two ways. The door on the left side of the room leads to a larger secret. The door on the right is the same, but less of a secret.
Whichever way you go, be sure to mow down all the guards. Once you get through the room, you'll be in the room where the two paths meet again, and then merge into one door. That door is Fettgesicht's chamber. DO NOT ENTER IT UNTIL YOU HAVE ALL GUARDS WIPED OUT SO FAR. There are always a few SS lurking around still, so make sure you beat them ALL, then go back to the secrets you've opened up, and fill up. Finally, head into the General's chamber.
When you first enter the door, you'll be in a small corridor. Go through it, and you'll end up in a much larger room. Use the map, or look for a secret on the right wall there. This is your lifeline almost. Use it to replenish yourself. Then, head into the middle of the room, where Fettgesicht is.
Ok, first and foremost, don't kill him yet. Just make sure he sees you, then kill ALL the guards in this chamber. And I do mean ALL. There are a few guards hiding in tiny corridors to the side, so be sure to kill them, too. Once all of the guards are dead in the entire level, you're ready to take on the General.
To attack, you can use your simple hide-and-shoot method. Hide behind a wall island there, and after he finishes shooting, tear him up. You can also just be out in the open the whole time, and strafe from his rockets. DO NOT get cornered by him, so spend minimal time in secrets. Once he dies...um, he dies.
The General gasps his last breath, and the free world is safe from the terrifying Nazi chemical war. You return to Allied Headquarters, a Medal of Honor waiting for you.
Allied command informs you of some nefarious activities around Castle Hollehammer. Something about some gray-skinned berserk soldiers....
3.6.10 Secret Level
DESIGNER: Tom Hall/John Romero
This is one of my favorite levels. I dunno why. Its almost like four levels in one...Kind of a "Lost Level" or something.

- Hot-Spots? You've got to be kidding...
Heh, just play. There are three sections to the level that can get you out, and one that can lead you to, oh, around 4 extra lives. Use the map to get you through.
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